Traffic laws in Uganda are primarily designed to ensure safety of all road users inclusive of pedestrians, drivers, passengers and cyclists.  These are designed and enforced by the Uganda Police Force, specifically the Traffic Police Department.

Whether you are on a self drive Uganda or guided trip, you are required to adhere to these traffic guidelines. 

By controlling speed limits, respecting road signs, making use of seatbelts and regulating all the traffic laws as a driver, you reduce on the potential risks of roads accidents which ensures you safety during road trips in Uganda.

Traffic laws help to reduce congestion on roads by creating an orderly traffic flow which helps to reduce on the time spent on the road hence leading to less fuel consumptions and minimizing collision which reducing the risks of accidents.

Therefore, for any traveler planning a self-drive road trip to the republic of Rwanda, especially for first time visitors, you need to familiarize yourself with the traffic rules and regulations to ensure that you have a seamless ultimate road experiences during your stay in the country.

traffic laws in Uganda

There are a few key points to put into consideration while planning a self-drive safari in Rwanda and thee include;

  1. General Road Rules in Uganda

These are strictly followed while in charge of the wheels in Uganda and among these include driving on the left hand side wherever you go in the country being the remote areas, you must make sure that you always stick to the left and only overtake from the right hand side of the road overtaking.

There are also speed limits governing different roads depending on where you are heading For example, in urban areas I.e in towns and cities, speed limit is set to 5 0Km/h, highways speed limits range from 60 km/h to 80 km/h and in rural areas, it is set at 60 km/h. These speed limits are always subjected to change basing mostly on the road condition therefore it is important that you pay attention to speed sign posts and adjust accordingly for your safety and the well-being of others using the same road.

It is strictly prohibited to make use of your mobile phone as you are driving as it can easily destruct you and lead to collisions.

It is also mandatory to every passenger on board being a junior or senior to make use of the seatbelts for their own safety.

  1. Licensing and Registration

A driver is required to possess a valid driver’s license. Foreigners are allowed to use their International Driving Permits or a foreign license for a limited period of time but if they are to stay in the country for more than 1 year, they are required to get a national driving license.

All vehicles on the road are supposed to be registered, bearing all the required registration documents and valid license number plates.

  1. Alcohol and Drug Regulations

For a regular driver such as private car drivers, motorcycle riders, and rental car drivers, their Blood Alcohol Concentration legal limit is set at 0.08% and 0.02% for commercial drivers namely taxi drivers, bus drivers, truck drivers, and delivery drivers. Driving under drug influence is strictly prohibited.

  1. Traffic Signals

All drivers are supposed to stick and obey traffic signals and road signs for ensure their safety and those of others using the roads. Pedestrians also only have a right of way at marked crossing famously known as zebra crossings. However, caution must be taken when crossing high ways as they come with no right of way for pedestrians.

  1. Accidents and Reporting

In case of an accident, drivers are supposed to stop and assist the victim where necessary and then report it to the police.

  1. Penalties and fines

Traffic officers offer various fines to those who have violated traffic rules such as talking on phone while driving, not wearing seatbelts, having an expired driving license, over speeding, among others and drivers must endeavor to settle them and on time.

  1. Special Regulations

In Uganda, motorcycle riders are required to wear safety helmets and they are also restricted from certain roads specifically urban roads. Public vehicles also have specific road rules governing them which include designated routes and parking. Therefore, you must take caution when using certain routes and parking to reduce on the exposure to road fines.

It is also important to note that vehicles in a bad state are not allowed on Uganda Roads specifically on urban roads and high ways. Therefore, try to keep your vehicle clean, well maintained and serviced for an ultimate and memorable drive experience in the country. 

Once you follow these traffic laws in Uganda, be rest assured that you will be safe and will as well keep other road users safe on the road regardless of where you are heading to. 

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